Monday, February 15, 2010

So the past week i have now lost ALL 118 gigs of music from my I-pod. Its been a rough few days but i have had some gardening equipment to ease the pain. but then again all i want after picking weeds is music.. o well! So now all i have is 3 albums and here are my 3 favorite songs from these albums! (ps what a great mixture to have!)

felt album 2- A Tribute to Lisa Bonet _early mornin' tony

This is Phoenix's first cd - Its Never Been Like That_ napoleon says
Way dope song, they are going to be at Coachella! so amped

and this cd is the cd that deleted everything on my I-pod and made me kick 13 babies off a tall tall cliff, but i would say 'Almost'? woth it?? So amazing way cool story about the band they are called The XX - self title ( I cant really chose a favorite yet but this one is Amazing!)_

Hot Like Fire (Aaliyah Cover)

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