Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So i went on down to SD to visit my buddy Tyler Mertens ^^^
He came and got me and we started are night getting twast in his hot tub trying to convince Matt G that we had hookers named Kisha, and some other really trashy name. Then the next day we ended up going to this bad ass bar and sleeping on his yacht and havin fun! The next night we went to his friends house and i was jumping the fence and it was all wet from the sprinklers and when i was at the top the fence broke thus breaking my big toe and messing up my hand! That was Great! so i drank a bottle of Jager to ease the pain and blacked out like always! So i dont even remember leaving that house, but when we got to his house he parked way close to this car and couldnt get out the right way and with muddy shoes stepped on this marine who went on 3 tours to iraq to pay for this weak ass Audi TT sport..(girl car!) So we wake up the next morning to his dad yelling who the fuck stepped on the dudes car? hahaha so great! Then went sailing on the boat by Coranado. That was way peaceful and there were tons of tankers and bad ass copters flying around the whole time!

The next night we went to the same bar that we went to a few nights before and they would not let me in because i have an ID card and not a license and apparently its against their liquor license! ( BULLSHIT!) so we ended up going to this little hole in the wall bar and it was a blast and tyler hooked up with this hottie! (yet again BULLSHIT!) any way had so much fun even though i fucked up my toe! So thanks Mertens for the kick ass 4 days! hope all is well and the marine doesn't whoop your head boy for stepping on his weak ass TT!

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