Wednesday, February 24, 2010

J's with old men and crazy sunsets!

Ok so i went to The Getty Center with my buddy Cori, so bad ass! This place was INSANE! It was so big and had so much stuff to take pics of and a few things that your not allowed to hahah but i did. The picture with the old men in an older post was not supposed to be photographed. So everyone that was there workers/visiters/ or the peeps in the paintings ALL looked SOOOO weird! We had a way fun time and they had a HUGE outdoor/ indoor exhibits. When we were leaving (note: when you pull up to this place you pay right there and park in this huge ass parking garage, then take a light rail thing for about 10 minutes to get to the actual Museum.) this old man in his late 50's early 60's with a knar ascent DOPE ass stash and the biggest eyebrows, asked us if we had matches and i was like no sorry man only a lighter. He then began to try and speak some broken English and asked us to follow him the the 3rd level of the parking garage... so we did. He tells us o get in the car for a min and then lights up a J and takes a few drags then passes it! HAHAHA soooo bad ass, so we burn it down then say thanks and are leaving and he says as he stands up way slow, "now i can go look at some art" hahah soo funny. I will never forgive myself for not taking pics of this moment! O well hope there will be more to come in my future. I never seems to surprise me how many people blaze and at any age too. So after this we take the bumpiest rout ever in front of UCLA on sunset to the beach, the road was FUUUUCKED! We got the Santa Monica pier at the perfect time for the sunset and watched it go down. The shit was PACKED on a tuesday night at like 8, we were so confused but it was a way fun day and if your ever in LA and have some time to kill and 15 bucks for parking i HIGHLY suggest going to the Getty or even Santa Monica.. Way chill day, Thank you Cori!

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