Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ok, so these are pics from the First of 2 storms and the second one was way more knar! so i couldn't even go outside to take pics cuz it was hailing sideways. This is like 6 houses up from me and we had NOTHING at all.. i know weird right?

This whole damn wall fell down so intense! The people say that it was about 3 in the morning and it sounded like a train was coming through their house!

If you didnt want to evacuate when they told you to by a flag at the bottom of the hill then you were told by the ALL volunteer fire department/ dooshieeee cops to put this pink flag on your mail box cuz they "would not be legally obligated to help you out" of a fucked up house or like if your stuck or hurt. Nice! But we stayed cuz of the way our house is set up on the MTN. But over all cool and now glad the weather is back to regular 70's!

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