Sunday, March 14, 2010

cool lyrics for sure!

GLC - Momentum (Official Music Video) from Davy Greenberg on Vimeo.

I hate when they wright songs about me.. good thing its easy bein steezy!

they have the best vids! WOW~

i love the kidz in the hall and this is the opening to the cd way sick!

ILLMATIC, way cool flow and the vid is pretty legit as well!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

OMY DEAR SHIT! This is SOOO AMAZING! WOW! i have almost nothing to say but the drums? such an amazing touch and chiddy band killlllllllls it!

this is my fav of their songs right now..

there are a ton of sick remixes on check that shit if your dig em.
found these guys a few days ago and CANNOT stop listening to them and this is a dope passion pit version love them and passion pit!

good remix i have been gone for a long time and have not been posting anything sorry to the like 3 people who are actually reading this! HAHAHA So i love this orig and steve kills it with the mix..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

snoop, cudi & diplo? WTF!!??!!

ok, so dub is EVERYWHERE!

diplo you killin me softly

illmatic new find of the day god damn diplo stop killin it!

J's with old men and crazy sunsets!

Ok so i went to The Getty Center with my buddy Cori, so bad ass! This place was INSANE! It was so big and had so much stuff to take pics of and a few things that your not allowed to hahah but i did. The picture with the old men in an older post was not supposed to be photographed. So everyone that was there workers/visiters/ or the peeps in the paintings ALL looked SOOOO weird! We had a way fun time and they had a HUGE outdoor/ indoor exhibits. When we were leaving (note: when you pull up to this place you pay right there and park in this huge ass parking garage, then take a light rail thing for about 10 minutes to get to the actual Museum.) this old man in his late 50's early 60's with a knar ascent DOPE ass stash and the biggest eyebrows, asked us if we had matches and i was like no sorry man only a lighter. He then began to try and speak some broken English and asked us to follow him the the 3rd level of the parking garage... so we did. He tells us o get in the car for a min and then lights up a J and takes a few drags then passes it! HAHAHA soooo bad ass, so we burn it down then say thanks and are leaving and he says as he stands up way slow, "now i can go look at some art" hahah soo funny. I will never forgive myself for not taking pics of this moment! O well hope there will be more to come in my future. I never seems to surprise me how many people blaze and at any age too. So after this we take the bumpiest rout ever in front of UCLA on sunset to the beach, the road was FUUUUCKED! We got the Santa Monica pier at the perfect time for the sunset and watched it go down. The shit was PACKED on a tuesday night at like 8, we were so confused but it was a way fun day and if your ever in LA and have some time to kill and 15 bucks for parking i HIGHLY suggest going to the Getty or even Santa Monica.. Way chill day, Thank you Cori!
Story of my life, love it haha

This is the Santa Monica Pier, way ill. I love the reflections on the
water and that railing is in focus and nothing else.

So this is a dope sign that i tried to make pop and i think i
did a pretty good job, what do you think?

O man this R8 on Santa Monica Blvd, SOOO Gangstar!

The sun looked insane behind all the clouds

I cant remember who this is but its way dope,
he has the funniest face too!
Its a life size sculpture of himself i know that...

This is a Flower maze with a water fountain i just
wanted to try and make it look neon but it didnt really
work kinda a cool pic though.
Cori Morieeeeey waiting for the train

Weirdest fucking people in the building and in all the pictures! These heads are hella out of proportion and just really really creepy!

I tried to get the sunset and the palm trees in my glasses
didnt really work but thought it was still dope!

This is a picture from the 1600's done by Rembrandt, i got yelled at for taking it
cuz your now supposed to but i couldnt not, sooo dope!

This is so sick its on a HUGE wall thats like 3 levels
high and the pin in this is 3D and is like 4 feet long!

hahahah i thought this was sooo funny cuz its a tag that says art in the art museum.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

OMG the best remix i have herd to this song! Way cool way to mix it fo sho!

Baby Monster

this is one of my newest finds still tryin to find my favorite song of theirs. but this one is def waaay good!

Monday, February 22, 2010

UURRGGHHHHHH sooo amazing!

L me NOW!

needed this on new years!
Just some random pics that i have been taken lately. Tell me what you think.

^ I love the crow ^

Perfect toss


Sunday, February 21, 2010

omy shit sooo dope, the original is kinda one of the embarrassing songs to say you like but i do and this remix gives me a good reason to listen!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

one of my MOST favorite songs, way good triping song BTW..

Uploaded by huntylch. - See the latest featured music videos.

my Delphic lover

so i have been thinking and, i am going to marry the girl in this video.. such a dope song too and really cool vid! starting to become obsessed with these guys.

These guys are slowly growing on me, i was not a huge fan at first but now i always wanna listen to them. The feel is like old foo fighters meets wolfmother kinda? I am not really sure, dope though. They will be at Coachella as well so better soak em up!

this is so good i would def watch this. Its the kinda explanation of where and who dubstep came from and who are the pioneers kinda before a little early to make this i think, but i mean its gonna be some big shit someday! DUB OR DIE!

omy suuuuuch a sick mash!

This has a 2 of hearts feel to it for some reason makes me think of grampa hicken hahah . Just a way sick dance beat! Would be some sick shreading tune. I kinda only really like the first minute cuz it slams so hard!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Phonat just saved my life!


Michele Balduzzi (aka Phonat) is rapidly becoming one of the most respected dance producers in the UK. Originally from Florence, Italy. Michele was spotted by MofoHifi records on MySpace who were so impressed with the 21 year old that the loving label bosses persuaded the striking 7 foot Italian with his mop of unruly hair to leave his idyllic parents country farm in Florence and move to a bed sit in Canning town. Michele armed only with a 5 year old computer, electric guitar and Ryan Air ticket dutifully relocated to London in late 2007.

Phonat has consequently released three singles in 2008 ‘Incredible Sound’ , ‘Ghetto Burnin’ and Learn To Recycle to universal critical acclaim. Support has come thick and fast with top Radio 1 DJ’s such as Annie Mac, Annie Nightingale, Andy George, Rob Da Bank and Pete Tong supporting.

Phonat’s latest single ‘ Learn To Recycle’ has been described as one of the most adventurous pieces of electronic music to be released in 2008. In a space of 7 minutes the listener journeys through the same sample getting mashed into electro house, hip hop, drum and bass and everything in between. It’s been described as ‘ Bohemiam Rhapsody for the acid house generation’.

Phonat is also being poached as a remixer. He recently remixed Handsfree by Sonny J and Supermal’s ‘Light Years’ which again have been supported by the worlds DJ elite. He also co-wrote and produced ‘Fire’ by The Young Punx, which is featured on the Kitsune Boombox compilation.

Phonat definitely arrived in 2008 into the world electronic scene, With DJ bookings now coming in across the globe and his debut album being released in 2009 it is very exciting to be a talented 7 foot Italian.

Dub5tepthingie3 by fuckmylife

so apperantly this is deadmau5 new shit could be a hoax like the last daft punk and justice shit but either way way sick!
try not to shit your pants! I DID! FFFUUUUU

dont care what anyone says slug is one of the funniest rappers ever, and if you add murs loud ass mouth and funny ass thought then you get felt and felt is fucking toooo kick ass! this song will make you giggle like a school girl bitch!

o garry!

hahah this is so awesome!

thanks levi-

need one of these sooooo bad!

Independent Fabrications X Bodega X BaileyBag Works from Quarter Productions on Vimeo.

Love this list! people are fucking pussies!

Achluophobia Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia Fear of noise.
Acrophobia Fear of heights.
Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded places.
Ailurophobia Fear of cats.
Alektorophobia Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions.
Altophobia Fear of heights.
Amaxophobia Fear of riding in a car.
Ambulophobia Fear of walking.
Ancraophobia or Anemophobia Fear of wind.
Androphobia Fear of men.
Anglophobia Fear of England, English culture, etc.
Anthrophobia Fear of flowers.
Antlophobia Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia Fear of infinity.
Aphenphosmphobia Fear of being touched.
Apiphobia Fear of bees.
Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. Arachnephobia/Arachnophobia Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia Fear of numbers.
Arrhenphobia Fear of men. Arsonphobia Fear of fire.
Astraphobia/Astrapophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Astrophobia Fear of stars/space.
Ataxophobia Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia Fear of imperfection.
Athazagoraphobia Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.
Atychiphobia Fear of failure.
Aurophobia Fear of gold.
Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues
Automysophobia Fear of being dirty.
Autophobia Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Aviophobia/Aviatophobia Fear of flying.

Bacillophobia Fear of microbes.
Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria.
Bathmophobia Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Batophobia Fear of heights.
Batrachophobia Fear of amphibians (like frogs)
Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles.
Bibliophobia Fear of books.
Botanophobia Fear of plants.
Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.

Cacophobia Fear of ugliness.
Cainophobia/Cainotophobia Fear of newness, novelty.
Caligynephobia Fear of beautiful women.
Carnophobia Fear of meat.
Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed.
Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Cenophobia / Centophobia Fear of new things or ideas.
Ceraunophobia Fear of thunder.
Chaetophobia Fear of hair.
Chionophobia Fear of snow.
Chiraptophobia Fear of being touched.
Chirophobia Fear of hands.
Chorophobia Fear of dancing.
Chrometophobia/Chrematophobia Fear of money.
Chromophobia/Chromatophobia Fear of colors.
Chronomentrophobia Fear of clocks.
Cibophobia/Sitophobia/Sitiophobia Fear of food.
Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces.
Climacophobia Fear of stairs.
Clinophobia Fear of going to bed.
Coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries.
Coulrophobia Fear of clowns.
Cyberphobia Fear of computers.
Cyclophobia Fear of bicycles.
Cymophobia Fear of waves.
Cynophobia Fear of dogs.

Demophobia Fear of crowds.
Dendrophobia Fear of trees.
Dentophobia Fear of dentists.
Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school.
Dipsophobia Fear of drinking.
Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone.
Dromophobia Fear of crossing streets.

Eisoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Elurophobia Fear of cats.
Emetophobia Fear of vomiting.
Entomophobia Fear of insects.
Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers.
Epistaxiophobia Fear of nosebleeds.
Equinophobia Fear of horses.
Ergophobia Fear of work.

Felinophobia Fear of cats.

Gamophobia Fear of marriage.
Geliophobia Fear of laughter.
Genophobia Fear of sex.
Gephyrophobia, Gephydrophobia, or Gephysrophobia Fear of crossing bridges.
Gerascophobia Fear of growing old.
Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. Gynephobia/Gynophobia Fear of women.

Haphephobia/Haptephobia Fear of being touched.
Harpaxophobia Fear of being robbed.
Heliophobia Fear of the sun.
Hemophobia/Hemaphobia/Hematophobia Fear of blood.
Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things.
Hominophobia Fear of men.
Hylophobia Fear of forests.

Iatrophobia Fear of doctors.
Ichthyophobia Fear of fish.

Judeophobia Fear of Jews.

Keraunophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Kymophobia Fear of waves.

Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables.
Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises.
Limnophobia Fear of lakes.
Liticaphobia Fear of lawsuits.
Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth.
Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers.
Logophobia Fear of words.
Lygophobia Fear of darkness.

Macrophobia Fear of long waits.
Mageirocophobia Fear of cooking.
Maieusiophobia Fear of childbirth.
Megalophobia Fear of large things.
Melissophobia Fear of bees.
Methyphobia Fear of alcohol.
Microphobia Fear of small things.
Misophobia Fear of being contaminated with dirt/germs.
Monophobia Fear of solitude or being alone.
Motorphobia Fear of automobiles.
Musophobia/Murophobia Fear of mice.

Necrophobia Fear of death / dead things.
Neophobia Fear of anything new.
Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals.
Numerophobia Fear of numbers.

Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs.
Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes.
Ophthalmophobia Fear of being stared at.
Ornithophobia Fear of birds.

Pedophobia Fear of children.
Peladophobia Fear of bald people.
Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts.
Placophobia Fear of tombstones.
Plutophobia Fear of wealth.
Pogonophobia Fear of beards.
Potamophobia Fear of rivers or running water.
Pteronophobia Fear of being tickled by feathers.
Pupaphobia fear of puppets.
Pyrophobia Fear of fire.

Rhytiphobia Fear of getting wrinkles.
Rupophobia Fear of dirt.

Scolionophobia Fear of school.
Selachophobia Fear of sharks.
Sesquipedalophobia Fear of long words.

Tachophobia Fear of speed.
Technophobia Fear of technology.
Telephonophobia Fear of telephones.
Testophobia Fear of taking tests.
Theophobia Fear of gods or religion.
Trypanophobia Fear of injections.

Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women.
Verbophobia Fear of words.
Verminophobia Fear of germs.
Vestiphobia Fear of clothing.

Xenoglossophobia Fear of foreign languages.

Zoophobia Fear of animals



This is soooo dope! These are all made from a program called gun buy back program. So these are real gun pieces from NYC thats fuckin ILLMATIC IMO..

just click the link
ahahahaha this is SOOOOO AWESOME!

- Watch more free videos
hahaha love the big heads in this! Dope song!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Want to get a blast of bass straight to the face?! OK here!

Way cool remix! Amped to see them at Coachella!

ok so my speakers are rollin so i am postin all this music i have been meaning to for a while, here is one of the BEST rusko songs IMO.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today went on a walk with the camera after a green burrito.. here are some pics. My hair is getting a lot closer to the length i want.. let me know your thoughts. O and last night i went to old town pasadena with corieeey morrrreeeiyy and got some dinner and had a blast! Love you long time moreeiyyy!!!

I was just walkin and lookin at the ground and walked over my name in
this glowing but the g is kinda fucked up,
but soooooo dope it was glowing purple/hot pink!

hahah this is my lil bro's weenie dog, can you guess her name?

This is my new hood i gotta rep, shits weak if you ask me!

Love this little sign so much! Dont know why might be
the coloring, needs to me on a white tank top!!
OMFG! SOOOOO DOPE! O and my speakers work! YAHOOOOOOO!



click this link for some O.G. watches!
HAHA this is straight up OG! gonna try it out see how it works...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This is my little sister on her birthday!

haha My lil' bro plus a little Mr. Beam haha learned how to find the good spots to sleep early!
He could not keep his hat on but kept on trying to put it on it was so funny! And then here are some random pics of him from the past few weeks.

Ok, so these are pics from the First of 2 storms and the second one was way more knar! so i couldn't even go outside to take pics cuz it was hailing sideways. This is like 6 houses up from me and we had NOTHING at all.. i know weird right?

This whole damn wall fell down so intense! The people say that it was about 3 in the morning and it sounded like a train was coming through their house!

If you didnt want to evacuate when they told you to by a flag at the bottom of the hill then you were told by the ALL volunteer fire department/ dooshieeee cops to put this pink flag on your mail box cuz they "would not be legally obligated to help you out" of a fucked up house or like if your stuck or hurt. Nice! But we stayed cuz of the way our house is set up on the MTN. But over all cool and now glad the weather is back to regular 70's!

Monday, February 15, 2010

So the past week i have now lost ALL 118 gigs of music from my I-pod. Its been a rough few days but i have had some gardening equipment to ease the pain. but then again all i want after picking weeds is music.. o well! So now all i have is 3 albums and here are my 3 favorite songs from these albums! (ps what a great mixture to have!)

felt album 2- A Tribute to Lisa Bonet _early mornin' tony

This is Phoenix's first cd - Its Never Been Like That_ napoleon says
Way dope song, they are going to be at Coachella! so amped

and this cd is the cd that deleted everything on my I-pod and made me kick 13 babies off a tall tall cliff, but i would say 'Almost'? woth it?? So amazing way cool story about the band they are called The XX - self title ( I cant really chose a favorite yet but this one is Amazing!)_

Hot Like Fire (Aaliyah Cover)

Friday, February 12, 2010

such a sick picture, such bull shit! long live the roid!

June 21 – 22, 2010 finds a cache of Polaroid photographs up for grabs at Sotheby’s. 400 images by Ansel Adams are among the lots, which also includes snaps from David Hockney and Robert Mapplethorpe. The sale is the result of a bankruptcy court order, the sad part coming in the forcing of Polaroid to essentially dismantle a collection.

Carol Vogel writes about the collection and the sale in today’s New York Times.

Above – Ansel Adams. “Aspens, Northern New Mexico.”

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

such a sick vid!

Friday, February 5, 2010

This song i listened to before EVER game/match i was in from 9th grade on! One of the OG metal bands of my life! TOO SICK!

this is for you jacob this is one of my fav songs from back in the day its not too heavy but i LOVE these guys such a clean metal sound! Way sick live too!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

ok soo good luck pronouncing this name but so sick and the vid is dope too!

so this dood clames house but there is way too much base for it to be kinda a dubby sound this is a great one too!

fear is the mind killer! this is Freeland- mind killer so kick ass

"arrghhh arghhh shut you shit dmx peeps are sleepin" levi- my og homie!
this is for you even though i know you dont read this! it made me think of you hahaha

probably one of the best/ my fav songs from my sr. year, great times in the contor with goose tokin the hooka to this song! great times great vibes and amazing friends, o and never forget the fresh mo' poon!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

if anyone knows any artist that sound like this let me know cuz i am starting to try and make lyrics to all of these songs.. then when i start getting paid mixing them and being a true B.G hahaha jk but i am honestly trying to wright shit to this type of sound some help a cracker out!

So i went on down to SD to visit my buddy Tyler Mertens ^^^
He came and got me and we started are night getting twast in his hot tub trying to convince Matt G that we had hookers named Kisha, and some other really trashy name. Then the next day we ended up going to this bad ass bar and sleeping on his yacht and havin fun! The next night we went to his friends house and i was jumping the fence and it was all wet from the sprinklers and when i was at the top the fence broke thus breaking my big toe and messing up my hand! That was Great! so i drank a bottle of Jager to ease the pain and blacked out like always! So i dont even remember leaving that house, but when we got to his house he parked way close to this car and couldnt get out the right way and with muddy shoes stepped on this marine who went on 3 tours to iraq to pay for this weak ass Audi TT sport..(girl car!) So we wake up the next morning to his dad yelling who the fuck stepped on the dudes car? hahaha so great! Then went sailing on the boat by Coranado. That was way peaceful and there were tons of tankers and bad ass copters flying around the whole time!

The next night we went to the same bar that we went to a few nights before and they would not let me in because i have an ID card and not a license and apparently its against their liquor license! ( BULLSHIT!) so we ended up going to this little hole in the wall bar and it was a blast and tyler hooked up with this hottie! (yet again BULLSHIT!) any way had so much fun even though i fucked up my toe! So thanks Mertens for the kick ass 4 days! hope all is well and the marine doesn't whoop your head boy for stepping on his weak ass TT!
So I have been looking for this song for so damn long and just barely realized who sung it! Hope you all like it! Couldn't find the music video to post on but you will be able to listen and thats really all you need! Also if any one wants to go to Coachella with me to see these homies and alot of what i have posted let me know cuz i am going to setting that up really soon here!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SOOO kick ass! Diplo you da hoe!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Judas Priest, is this not the sexiest red head known to man?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

You know who you are!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

holy shit man! So 51 and probably the hottest she has ever been! Makes NO sense! I have no idea how she does it but she looks so sexy at so old!

Ok sooo um if you can take a gander at this and try and tell you you dont want to see at least 5 peeps that you want to see. I am going to be going to All the days and am going to be camping, if you wanna come stay polluted for more info on the hogtrain!
yet again with another copy pasta but in like 10 years i will roll up to your house in this with a fattie dutch, and an andre 3000 outfit going on with cashmere slippers.

(or if you can hook up 35 g's in 10 days then hit me up)
ok so for all you hipster basterds out there reading this, this is for you.. ok well i am buying some stuff off this and i dont think i am that hipster hahah but a way sick site for all your fixie-nation gear!

i think the only way for my rookie ass to put it on here is like this and you just have to copy pasta it.

but famous, jacob, bob and co-mybabe this is for you!
stumbled this shit blew my mind son!
This is a movie of a super-cool "painting" hanging in the basement of the British Library, in London. The author has done many such paintings, but this is the best (and all the others are very similar). It's called "Paradoxymoron", by Patrick Hughes

love these guys let me know how you feel..

Here is some Dub to ramble jamble your dome!

this is just the start of more to come, every style every genre!
come back for more if you like!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Ok so first a little background. I just moved to this cool little town in i guess you would say south Pasadena called Sierra Madre.

View Larger Map

So now you know where i am in cali. Now here are my pics from my last vacation in utah. It was an insane trip. (literally) But i got this camera for Christmas and its kinda obvious haha. I tried to take pictures from my eye view and how i was seeing it hence the longer shutter speeds.