Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SOOO kick ass! Diplo you da hoe!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Judas Priest, is this not the sexiest red head known to man?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

You know who you are!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

holy shit man! So 51 and probably the hottest she has ever been! Makes NO sense! I have no idea how she does it but she looks so sexy at so old!

Ok sooo um if you can take a gander at this and try and tell you you dont want to see at least 5 peeps that you want to see. I am going to be going to All the days and am going to be camping, if you wanna come stay polluted for more info on the hogtrain!
yet again with another copy pasta but in like 10 years i will roll up to your house in this with a fattie dutch, and an andre 3000 outfit going on with cashmere slippers.

(or if you can hook up 35 g's in 10 days then hit me up)
ok so for all you hipster basterds out there reading this, this is for you.. ok well i am buying some stuff off this and i dont think i am that hipster hahah but a way sick site for all your fixie-nation gear!

i think the only way for my rookie ass to put it on here is like this and you just have to copy pasta it.

but famous, jacob, bob and co-mybabe this is for you!
stumbled this shit blew my mind son!
This is a movie of a super-cool "painting" hanging in the basement of the British Library, in London. The author has done many such paintings, but this is the best (and all the others are very similar). It's called "Paradoxymoron", by Patrick Hughes

love these guys let me know how you feel..

Here is some Dub to ramble jamble your dome!

this is just the start of more to come, every style every genre!
come back for more if you like!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Ok so first a little background. I just moved to this cool little town in i guess you would say south Pasadena called Sierra Madre.

View Larger Map

So now you know where i am in cali. Now here are my pics from my last vacation in utah. It was an insane trip. (literally) But i got this camera for Christmas and its kinda obvious haha. I tried to take pictures from my eye view and how i was seeing it hence the longer shutter speeds.